Blind Contour Drawing

Drawing, life drawing, Sketches

Blind contour drawing is when you draw but only look at your subject not your drawing. It helps if you use one continuous line when drawing. It produces some really interesting results and is a great way to get your drawing flowing again and get your eyes back to really looking, especially if you are a bit out of practice. Here are a couple of life drawing I did of a woman on a chair, I ended up liking them more than my ‘proper’ drawings!

woman on chair

Woman on chair

More Life Drawing efforts

Art, Drawing, Sketches

My latest efforts from life drawing, enjoyed doing a mix of drawing and blind contour drawing on one . Strangely when I don’t look at the page I seem to get the proportions better. Think I may have to dig out my Anatomy of an Artist book and definitely need more practice on hands, feet, and faces!

Blind Contour Drawing- Still Life

Art, Drawing, Sketches

From sketchclub tonight we did some blind contour drawing first to warm up. You look at what you are drawing but not at the page, its best to keep your pen going in one continuous line so you don’t lose your place. It’s a good way to get started and you usually end up with some interesting drawings. I think I prefer them to the “finished” one!